Friday, December 26, 2008

Coach Erin Babarskis, head coach of the 2008 spring/summer Bulls Academy 15 U Elite team, has been making visits to see her players compete with their respective high school teams.

Coach Erin watched St. Charles East H.S vs. Downers Grove North H.S. play at Wheaton North H.S. this morning. There were seven Bulls Academy 15 U Elite players participating in this game.

Three players for Downers Grove North H.S.: Madeline Boltin (Soph.), Amelia Echemann (Soph.) Mary Echenmann.(Fr.) Four players for St. Charles East H.S.: Taushia Mugge,(Jr.) Jacki Leibforth,(Jr.) Kara Schnier (Jr.) and Shannon Kennedy.(Sr.)

St. Charles East H.S. defeated Downers Grove North H.S. 49 to 42. Madeline Boltin-6 points, Amelia Echemann- 2 points, Shannon Kennedy-2 points and Kara Schnier- 12 points.

Congratulations to all of the 2008 15 U Bulls Academy Elite girls and Coach Erin Babarskis for their hard work over the spring and summer! Tryouts are Sunday,March 1st and Monday, March 2nd here at the Chicago Bulls/Sox Training Academy. Check our website at for more details.